I'm going back to work tomorrow so I won't get to see you as much as I have been. Last night we had kind of a special moment....well it was for me. Mom went to
Wal-Mart to buy some groceries and you and I hung out at home....right when she left you started to get hungry and cry. I tried giving you a pacifier....and that didn't work...I tried hold you in different
positions and rocking you and that didn't work. Then I tried singing you primary songs and that worked the best...you still cried a little but for the most part you were much better. I think by the time mom came home you were totally asleep again. Then after mom was done feeding you she gave you back to me and we lied on the couch side by side and both feel asleep listening to the news. Your smell has always relaxed me. I am pretty sure that smell will go away...just like little puppy breath turns into old dog"what died in your mouth" breath. Pretty soon you will smell like a little boy who has been playing in the backyard with
Zowie and I am sure you won't be able to avoid all the little mine traps
Zowie has planted out there. But I will always love you regardless of how you smell. Which reminds me...Mom said that when she was changing your diaper yesterday you had an explosion and hit her in the face with some of your
nastiness. Please don't ever do that to me or we will probably have more than just your mess to clean up.
My sister wrote a really nice comment
further down the blog chain that touched me and I just wanted to say thanks to her for that. Stephanie, I love you!
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