RJ has had a bit of the runs (also known as diarrhea or if your from Utah.... Hershey Squirts). So he has been getting lots of baths (as most of his clothes and everything around him gets soiled lots of fun for mom and dad) and he has been quite Musical (also known as the farts) lately. Here was a pic that I shot after one of his baths.
On a side note: RJ has spent most of his young life being constipated and we have always wished he could have a BM (also known as a Bowel Movement or in this house its called a "Poopy") once a day. So we went from one extreme to another. Just goes to show you that you need to learn to find happiness no matter what the situation.
Another side note: Since RJ has been more mobile he likes to chase Zowie. She will be a couple a feet away from him and the RJ will get all excited and do his little army crawl and get real close to the object of his desire and then Zowie gets up and moves. RJ cries and the cycle repeats itself with RJ once again going after Zowie. It's kind of funny to watch and made me reflect on some of the silly things I have done in my life that didn't make much sense. Well got to be going thanks to my Mother we are going to the Temple today.
Overnighter @ Knecht's Cabin
3 days ago
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